classics by adam ghauri

  1. 3. the mate of the fearful monster typhaon
  2. 4. born from Poseidon this horse can speak and is very swift
  3. 5. augustus great ancestor
  4. 6. a child eating demon, daughter of Poseidon and mistress to zeus
  5. 7. a greek monster with hairs made of snakes
  6. 10. the monster son of Poseidon, guarder of the golden fleece that threw a boulder at Odysseus in the odyssey
  7. 13. three monster sisters. they are said to have hair made of the living
  8. 15. an immortal centaur
  1. 1. monsters with a female upper body and a dragon/serpent as a lower body
  2. 2. one eyed fire proof monsters
  3. 6. the name of latinus homeland
  4. 8. a monster with many heads, son of gaia and tartarus
  5. 9. a half lion half human who would slay anyone who didnt answer her riddles
  6. 11. the name of aeneas wife
  7. 12. A monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature with the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and a tail with a snake’s head.
  8. 14. you need to clean his feat or you suffer a nasty fall