Classics Quiz

  1. 3. The mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite
  2. 4. A woman that lost the weaving competition with Hera.
  3. 8. Titan goddess of the Moon.
  4. 9. Titan god of the water and Seas.
  5. 10. Master of the lyre that went to Hades.
  6. 11. Son of the goddess Nyx that puts mortals to sleep.
  1. 1. The Greek god of 'stupidity' mentioned by Aristhopanes.
  2. 2. A divine hero abducted by Zeus
  3. 4. Mother of Heracles.
  4. 5. Trojan priest killed by the serpents.
  5. 6. Ancient city on Crete where Arthur Evans was making excavations.
  6. 7. The king that tricked gods into eating his son