Classification & Natural Selection

  1. 3. When an organism looks like something else(harmful) and is meant to be seen
  2. 4. _________ breeding- The process of selecting organisms with desired traits to be parents of the next generation
  3. 7. scientist known for naming and classifying organisms
  4. 8. classification category that is more specific than domain but more general than phylum
  5. 11. Theory that explains how traits and species can change over time
  6. 13. uses all the evidence that is known about organisms to classify them
  7. 14. An inherited trait that increases an organism's chance of surviving and reproducing in a particular environment
  8. 15. when an organism blends in with its environment for protection against predators
  9. 16. makes up first word in a scientific name/ less specific than species, more specific than family
  10. 17. English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection
  11. 18. Changes in a gene that can change the organism's phenotype (outward appearance) or genetic information
  1. 1. ___________ key-step by step approach to identify an organism using a series of paired descriptions
  2. 2. most specific classification category/made of similar individuals that can breed and produce fertile offspring
  3. 5. An organism's physical appearance, or visible traits
  4. 6. A small change in a trait that makes an individual slightly different from other members of its species
  5. 9. most general/least specific classification catergory
  6. 10. System for giving each organism a two-word scientific name
  7. 12. __________ selection -organisms with traits best suited to their environment are most likely to survive and reproduce
  8. 15. The process of organizing organisms into categories based on shared characteristics