Classification of Drugs

  1. 3. Cough ..... - a thick, viscous liquid used for treating cough.
  2. 8. A drug which relieves pain.
  3. 9. A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and prevent diseases.
  4. 12. Agents that control, inhibit or prevent abnormal rhythms of the heart.
  5. 14. Medications that induce sleep and that are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs.
  6. 16. An infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash.
  7. 17. A substance which neutralizes stomach acidity and is used to relieve e.g. heartburn.
  8. 18. A drug derived from the opium poppy, used to stop people from feeling pain.
  9. 19. A bacterial disease which mainly affects children, characterized by convulsive coughs.
  10. 20. Inflammation of the liver.
  1. 1. A hormone produced in the pancreas, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.
  2. 2. ..... drugs – drugs which are too dangerous, too powerful, or too toxic for self-treatment.
  3. 4. An acute, highly contagious bacterial disease causing inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  4. 5. Drugs used to treat infections caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria.
  5. 6. A bacterial disease marked by stiffness and spasms of the voluntary muscles.
  6. 7. Medications used to treat conditions such as hypertension.
  7. 10. A poisonous bushy Eurasian plant with drooping purple or green bell-shaped flowers.
  8. 11. A drug which acts on the nervous system, used to make a person or animal calmer.
  9. 13. The place where the pharmacist works and where drugs are compounded, stored, dispensed and sold.
  10. 15. An annual Eurasian plant with ornamental white, red, pink, or purple flowers.