Classification of Living Things

  1. 2. - autotrophs use the sun to make it
  2. 5. - ability to detect changes and react to them
  3. 6. another word for heterotroph
  4. 8. - a unicellular organism
  5. 10. - autotrophs use chemical reactions to make it
  6. 12. - a living thing with multiple ------
  7. 15. - an animal that can't produce its own food
  1. 1. - another word for autotroph
  2. 3. - internal environment
  3. 4. - a primitive cell without a nucleus
  4. 7. - an advanced cell with organelles
  5. 9. - 100% of one parents DNA
  6. 11. - 50% of each parents DNA
  7. 13. - an animal that produces its own food
  8. 14. - a living thing with a single ------