Classification of Living Things

  1. 1. The most specific level of classification, that includes only one animal, is ______
  2. 6. organisms that create their own food using energy from the sun are ______
  3. 8. Binomial _____
  4. 9. Scientific names for organisms come from their _______ and species
  5. 11. The oldest living organism, at over 4,000 years old, is a type of
  6. 13. created binomial nomenclature
  7. 16. Arrange things in groups based on similarities
  8. 18. Organisms that must consume/eat food
  9. 19. Every organism in this kingdom is an autotroph
  10. 20. Bats belong to the Class _______
  11. 21. One level below Domain are six _______
  12. 22. Mold and mushrooms are in which Kingdom?
  1. 2. A feature or trait that helps identify something
  2. 3. The most important characteristic in classifying organisms
  3. 4. Panthera tigris is a ______
  4. 5. This is not am important feature scientist use to classify organisms
  5. 7. The science of naming and classifying organisms
  6. 10. arranging organisms into groups based on similar characteristics
  7. 12. The three domains are Archaea, Bacteria, and _______
  8. 14. more than 90% of animals we know of are ______
  9. 15. This kingdom can be unicellular or multicellular, and can be autotrophic or heterotrophic
  10. 17. Abracadabrella birdsville is the scientific name for a type of _______
  11. 19. Domain, Kingdom, ______, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species