Classifying Triangles

  1. 5. two pairs of corresponding sides and their angles are congruent
  2. 7. the new figure
  3. 10. three pairs of corresponding sides are congruent
  4. 13. angle in the middle of legs
  5. 14. what class is this?
  6. 15. an extra line or segment to help analyze geometric relationships (2 words)
  7. 16. rigid transformation (2 words)
  8. 19. congruent sides of a triangle
  9. 20. extension of an adjacent side formed by one side of a triangle (2 words)
  10. 21. a triangle with 3 equal angles
  11. 22. geometrically congruent
  12. 23. a transformation that moves all points of the original figure the same distance and direction
  13. 25. a triangle with one angle equal to 90 degrees
  1. 1. a triangle with 3 equal sides
  2. 2. can change the position, size, or shape of a figure
  3. 3. opposite of the vertex angle
  4. 4. a transformation over a line (flip)
  5. 6. matching parts of polygons (2 words)
  6. 8. a transformation around a fixed point
  7. 9. when two shapes are the same shape and size
  8. 10. a triangle with no congruent sides
  9. 11. two polygons that are the same (2 words)
  10. 12. the original figure
  11. 17. a triangle with one angle that is more than 90 degrees
  12. 18. a triangle with at least of 2 congruent sides
  13. 24. a triangle with angles less than 90 degrees