Classroom Procedures

  1. 1. All work that is turned in is expected to be _____.
  2. 4. I can use the bathroom as long as I am not ____.
  3. 7. Assignments are to be turned into the _____ tray.
  4. 9. Late work will receive a _______ point penalty per day.
  5. 10. Lab ________ is expected to be followed when participating in a Lab activity.
  1. 1. I can make _________ on all assignments for the oppotunity to earn 1/2 credit. (a 70 can earn additional 15 points)
  2. 2. I will receive a _______ if I am playing on my IPad.
  3. 3. I must treat my classmates and teacher with ______.
  4. 5. I can borrow a __________if I trade for my ID badge.
  5. 6. Only ______ student can use the bathroom at a time.
  6. 8. _________ credit is a available each quarter.
  7. 11. _________ missing work needs to be made up.