Classroom Procedures

  1. 5. This core value is about doing what needs to be done
  2. 9. You will keep a ______ for your major writing pieces (2 words no spaces)
  3. 13. You must wait _________ before leaving class (3 words no spaces)
  4. 14. This core value is about appreciating and taking care of other people and the space
  5. 17. Turn in papers to the appropriate colored crates
  6. 19. You will have a _________ roughly every other week with Mr. Ramsey
  7. 20. You must have a signed _________ to leave the classroom
  8. 22. According to school rules, no wireless ________ may be worn
  9. 23. You MUST be signed on to your ________ to use your laptop in class
  1. 1. This core value is about reaching for new, difficult goals
  2. 2. Before going to the Learning Commons for a book, you must have the title and _______ written on a Learning Commons pass (2 words no spaces)
  3. 3. You may have a ________ bottle in class, but no juice, soda, energy drinks, etc.
  4. 4. The _______ is on the back table (2 words no spaces)
  5. 6. As is school policy, absolutely no cell_______ will be used in class
  6. 7. Unless otherwise specified on a specific day, ______ and hoods may not be worn in the middle school
  7. 8. Mr. Ramsey teaches _______ class
  8. 10. Good writers __________
  9. 11. Mr. Ramsey's least favorite cookies
  10. 12. Good readers ________
  11. 15. The _______ crate is for late work
  12. 16. At the beginning of class, your computers belong in the ___________ (2 words no space)
  13. 18. We will use _______ tests to determine what skills we most need to work on
  14. 21. Playing _______, music, or going to unapproved sites will automatically lose you access to your computer