Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks

  1. 5. Parks grew up in the ______ where she experienced racial discrimination and violence
  2. 7. One of Colvin's "circumstances" was she become ________ in 1956
  3. 8. Parks was in the _____ section of the bus
  4. 9. The police asked Parks if she was asked to stand and she said "____"
  5. 14. Colvin's family stayed up all night in case of______
  6. 15. Parks age when she refused to give up her seat
  7. 16. Parks was already established in the ______ before her arrest
  8. 18. In 1945 Parks passed the test to _______
  9. 20. Colvin said it was her ________ right to sit in the seat
  10. 21. One of Colvin's "circumstances" was she was thought to be emotionally _______ and therefore unreliable
  11. 23. Colvin was locked up and not given a _________
  1. 1. Why wasn't Colvin the face of the movement
  2. 2. Parks said if the white press got hold of Colvin's circumstances they'd have a ____
  3. 3. First to refuse to give up her seat on a bus
  4. 4. after Parks was bailed out her and others decided to change the ______ law
  5. 6. Parks fought to make a federal ______ honoring Martin Luther King Jr
  6. 10. Chosen to represent the bus boycott
  7. 11. Other black people on the bus said Colvin “fought like a_______"
  8. 12. Colvin's age when she refused to give up her seat
  9. 13. One of Colvin's "circumstances" was she wore her hair in _____ and refused to straighten it like most black women did
  10. 17. Colvin was one of ____ plaintiffs in‘Browder v. Gayle
  11. 19. Parks was in jail for four ____ before she was bailed out
  12. 22. Colvin say when she was arrested she went ______ and didn't fight back