Climate Change

  1. 3. climate change, increase in atmospheric temperature, along with climate changes that have resulted from it.
  2. 5. circulation, changes in ocean circulation caused by El Nino can also result in short-term climate fluctuations
  3. 7. activity, over relatively short time scales, fluctuations in the amount of solar radiation can change global climates
  4. 8. tectonics, geographic changes in Earth's land and oceans due to plate tectonics caused changes in climate over very long periods.
  1. 1. eruptions, volcanic ash, dust and surfer-based aerosols in the air increase the amount of solar radiation that is reflected back into space
  2. 2. warming, used to refer specically to the increase in the temperature of Earth's atmosphere near the surface.
  3. 4. orbital motions, changes in the shape of Earth's orbit and the tilt of Earth's axis of rotation affect global climates over intermediate time scales
  4. 6. models, complex computer programs that involve huge amounts of data on temperature, precipitation, and other variables
  5. 9. green house effect, a natural warming of both Earth's lower atmosphere and Earth's surface