Climate Change

  1. 6. formed as more ice is laid down each year
  2. 7. State in which daily measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have been taken
  3. 10. Species that is said to decline 2/3 by 2050
  4. 14. period of cooling that lasted from the 16th-19th
  5. 15. they absorb and retain carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  6. 16. Contains the air we breath and weather
  7. 17. Layer that absorbs and scatters ultraviolet radiation
  8. 18. any permanent layers of ice covering a tract of land, especially in the polar regions
  9. 20. The study of intentionally and artificially changing natural processes of the Earth
  1. 1. The gas in which we inhale
  2. 2. Thin layer of gases that surrounds the earth
  3. 3. the movement of water through evaporation, precipitation, runoff, and infiltration
  4. 4. designed to reduce emissions and stabilize the levels of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere
  5. 5. involves adjusting our lives and society to the expected future climate.
  6. 8. Very dry and less dense layer
  7. 9. occurs when coral polyps eject the symbiotic algae that live with them under stressful environmental conditions
  8. 11. darker areas on the sun’s surface created by intense magnetic fields.
  9. 12. Period of time in which Earths temp. was low enough that glaciers form at the poles
  10. 13. the area between the stratosphere and upper troposphere, due to the similar temperatures
  11. 19. frozen seawater that floats on the ocean’s surface.