climate change

  1. 5. permanent layers of ice covering a tract of land, especially in the polar regions.
  2. 11. contains the air we breathe
  3. 12. very dry and less dense layer above the trosphere
  4. 13. a periodic warming and cooling of surface ocean temperatures in the Pacific Ocean.
  5. 14. involves adjusting our lives and society to the expected future climate.
  6. 15. describes the movement of water through evaporation, precipitation, runoff, and infiltration.
  7. 16. a period of cooling that lasted from the 16th-19th centuries.
  8. 17. as more ice is laid down each year
  9. 18. a period of time where the Earth’s overall surface temperature is lowered enough that glaciers form at the poles and in mountainous areas.
  1. 1. the Earth’s atmosphere was mostly carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
  2. 2. removal of carbon dioxide and oxidation of methane.
  3. 3. areas on the sun’s surface created by intense magnetic fields.
  4. 4. the thin layer of gases that surrounds the earth
  5. 6. ones that were released by human activity.
  6. 7. frozen sea waterthat floats on ocean surface
  7. 8. underwater current fueled by the mixing of warm and cold salt water.
  8. 9. occurs when coral polyps eject the symbiotic algae that live with them under stressful environmental conditions.
  9. 10. about half of incoming solar radiation passes through the atmosphere and warms the Earth.