Climate Change

  1. 2. There are _____ layers in the atmosphere.
  2. 5. One of two main greenhouse gases.
  3. 7. Isotope carbon plants use for Photosynthesis.
  4. 9. Period where glaciers grow/advance.
  5. 10. The study of intentionally changing natural processes of Earth.
  6. 13. Relationship between carbon dioxide concentration and global temps.
  7. 14. Period where the overall climate is warmer, leading the glaciers to retreat.
  8. 15. Thin layers of gases that surround the Earth.
  1. 1. Reflective molecules that would be injected into the Stratosphere.
  2. 3. Layer between that acts as an absorber.
  3. 4. Frozen seawater that floats on the oceans surface.
  4. 6. Other main greenhouse gas.
  5. 8. The sun emits more radiation when ____ sunspots are present.
  6. 11. Period of time where the Earths overall surface temp. is lowered.
  7. 12. Daily atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are measured here.