  1. 7. is the state of the atmosphere in a certain place at a short or a given time.
  2. 8. a hydrocarbon that is usually thick and black. a kind of fossil fuel used by humans.
  3. 9. aims to prepare for the impact of climate change to the environment and the society.
  4. 12. it is the long-term pattern of weather in a specific region.
  5. 13. largest carbon sinks in the world.
  6. 14. a gas that disrupts the ozone layer once it reaches the upper levels of atmosphere.
  7. 16. increased the sea levels from 10 to 20 centimeters in the 20th century.
  8. 17. Also known as El NiƱo/Southern Oscillation.
  9. 19. is the gradual increase in the overall temperature on Earth brought about by increased amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  10. 20. too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
  1. 1. the once lush forests have been cut down or burned to give way to plantations, factories and others.
  2. 2. reduction of harmful effects or reduction of severity, in our case, individuals can reduce their own carbon footprint.
  3. 3. human activities are said to have been the cause for the rapid change in climate over the past centuries.
  4. 4. these gases are usually released from decomposing wastes from landfills, vegetable farms, and livestock.
  5. 5. Forest has two (2) roles; carbon _____, carbon sources.
  6. 6. this can deal massive damage to agricultural crops and may lead to famine if no actions are taken.
  7. 10. warmer temperatures cause more water vapor to rise into the sky. This leads to more precipitation.
  8. 11. brings unpredictable changes in the climate that results in devastating events.
  9. 15. a structure that is made of glass or transparent materials and is used to grow plants that do not normally grow in certain climates.
  10. 18. first name of your science teacher.