Climate Change

  1. 3. The sum of greenhouse gasses emitted on an individual or societal level
  2. 6. The process by which plants convert CO2 into oxygen, this process is a method of decreasing atmospheric CO2 levels
  3. 7. The ____ layer is located in the stratosphere and protects organisms from the sun's harmful radiation
  4. 8. This 2015 international treaty on the mitigation, adaptation, and financing of climate change solutions was signed in what city?
  5. 9. Abbreviation for the proposed legislation that lays out a series of methods for solving the climate crisis through environmental, economic, and social changes in policy
  6. 13. The primary greenhouse gas emission
  7. 15. Coal, oil, and natural gas are all _____ ______
  8. 17. Human land-use change causes forests to be cut down and replaced with land for _________
  9. 19. A group of gasses that absorb solar radiation and prevent heat from escaping back to space, maintaining and increasing temperatures on Earth
  10. 20. Air, water, and wind power are all examples of _____ energy
  11. 21. Changes to the climate can occur naturally (ex: the Ice Age), but recent changes in climate are almost entirely ______
  12. 22. Climate changes affects ____, which in turn lowers crop yields and can lead to droughts or flooding
  13. 24. Companies such as BP are currently attempting to reach ____ ____ carbon emissions in order to offset their massive contributions to carbon emissions and thus climate change
  1. 1. A ___ degrees Celsius increase in global temperature is considered the critical threshold for climate change, anything above this could cause intense, irreversible damage
  2. 2. Emissions of greenhouse gasses have increased significantly since this period in time
  3. 4. Because of global warming, the tropics and deserts are ______
  4. 5. Climate change disproportionately affects ______
  5. 10. Warmer climate diseases (such as Zika, Dengue, and Chikungunya) are now becoming worldwide due to climate change, because the ______ that carry these diseases used to be be killed by the lower temperatures, but can now thrive in these areas as well because temperatures have risen to liveable levels for them
  6. 11. The atmospheric conditions of an area over a long period of time
  7. 12. When cows burp, they release this greenhouse gas into the atmosphere
  8. 14. The process of removing existing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in carbon sinks is referred to as carbon ________
  9. 16. This geological feature releases massive amounts of ______ that reflect incoming sunlight and lower temperatures, acting as a natural form of climate intervention, but ultimately cannot be frequently or effectively used due to its impact on precipitation and visibility
  10. 18. High amounts of snow and ice (which are both white) give polar regions a higher_____, causing the majority of solar radiation (and thus heat) to be reflected back to space, and result in lower temperatures
  11. 23. As temperatures ____, so do sea levels, infection rates, and frequencies of droughts, forest fires, and other natural disasters