Climate Change

  1. 3. Increase in earths temperature
  2. 5. A system of living organisms
  3. 9. Layer of gas surrounding Earth
  4. 12. Main greenhouse gas produced by cattle
  5. 13. Oceans are becoming more ____ because of global warming
  6. 15. the variety of life forms found on Earth
  7. 19. The amount of greenhouse gases that are produced in our day-to-day lives through the burning of fossil fuels
  8. 20. _____ Gases that trap heat
  9. 22. Caused by global warming
  10. 24. The process in which much of the sun's energy(heat) is kept inside our atmosphere
  11. 26. Long-term, average weather
  1. 1. 'hot' structure - one of the natural causes of climate change
  2. 2. Energy sources we burn
  3. 4. Short-term conditions of the atmosphere
  4. 6. to move from one area and settle in another
  5. 7. Over the last 100 years, we've observed that the global sea levels are
  6. 8. The measure that tells us how hot things are
  7. 10. When a species disappears forever
  8. 11. The fall of rain, snow or hail
  9. 14. A greenhouse gas; Levels of this gas have increased by approximately 80% since 1970.
  10. 16. The main causes of accelerated climate change
  11. 17. a prolonged period of below average rainfall
  12. 18. The cutting down of forest trees
  13. 21. one impact of climate change is an increase in natural_____
  14. 23. Earths largest carbon sink
  15. 25. a renewable form of energy provided by the sun