Climate Change

  1. 5. a natural system that takes in more carbon dioxide than it gives off into the atmosphere
  2. 6. Organic materials that are buried deposits we burn to get energy
  3. 8. Waves that radiate from the sun
  4. 10. A geographical region that have the same factors such as temperature and precipitation
  5. 13. A generalization of the weather conditions that happen over a long time
  6. 15. The water layer of the earth
  7. 18. The rock layer of the earth
  8. 19. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by one person or a group of people
  1. 1. The effect that absorbs thermal energy in the earth’s atmosphere
  2. 2. Organism that has benefited from climate change
  3. 3. The biggest biome in Canada
  4. 4. Making something less severe ex., global warming
  5. 5. An energy transfer caused by the movement of particles from one area to another
  6. 7. The environmental conditions of that one specific time in one place
  7. 9. All the kinetic energy of the particles in a substance or area
  8. 11. The smallest biome in Canada
  9. 12. The name for an energy source that cannot be used up
  10. 14. Acronym for the gases that add to the natural greenhouse effect
  11. 16. Charges to a company for contributing to greenhouse gas emissions
  12. 17. An energy transfer caused by direct contact