Climate Change Crossword

  1. 1. A gaseous fossil fuel that is found in nature (hint: most of the answer is in the question)
  2. 7. These living things help remove CO2 from our planet, but we put out too much for them to recycle alone.
  3. 8. One way to refer to non-fossil fuels is _________ energy.
  4. 10. Is the phrase used to describe JUST how Earth's average temperature is getting hotter.
  5. 14. The problem we as humans face is not necessarily that Earth's climate is changing (this happens naturally) but how _______________ it is changing.
  6. 15. The various types of fuels that put out CO2 emissions are called __________________.
  7. 16. The main greenhouse gas the causes climate change is _______________.
  8. 18. As climate change gets worse, so will natural disasters such as ____________ in places like California and Australia.
  1. 2. The "sphere" of Earth where most emissions end up.
  2. 3. The gasses that cause climate change are called ____________________, named for the effect they cause on Earth's atmosphere.
  3. 4. One major cause of climate change is the industry that creates all the _____ we eat.
  4. 5. One of the ways we look at past climate is observing ___ cores from various places around the world.
  5. 6. A solid fossil fuel burned in many factories, especially during the Industrial Revolution.
  6. 9. CO2 _________ are mostly responsible for the current climate change (the word for "something that is put out).
  7. 11. In the past years, several _____________ have been declared dead as all the ice making them up melts.
  8. 12. Some places are trying to help fight climate change by allowing only new ___________ cars to be sold after a certain year.
  9. 13. Is the phrase used to describe how as the Earth's temperature warms, conditions around the world will change.
  10. 17. A liquid fossil fuel dug up out of the ground and from under oceans.