Climate Change Crossword

  1. 4. Bramble Cay ___ is the first mammal species recognized as extinct due to human caused climate change (7)
  2. 7. __ __ is the most abundant greenhouse gas (5,6)
  3. 8. The variety and variation of living things on the earth (12)
  4. 10. The current rate of __, clears forests the size of Italy per year (13)
  5. 11. If we don't act now, climate change will bring about __ changes on our planet (12)
  6. 14. Earth __ Day is a symbolic date on which humanity's consumption for the year outstrips Earth's capacity to regenerate (9)
  7. 16. Rapid climate change is the direct result of the activities of __ (6)
  8. 17. Due to rising __ __, it is predicted that almost 50% of Mumbai will be submerged by 2050 (3,5)
  9. 19. The average weather conditions over a number of years is called (7)
  10. 20. Melting glaciers, erratic rainfall, long and persistent dry spells called __ are effects of climate change (7)
  1. 1. Industrial sector responsible for the maximum greenhouse gas emissions (6)
  2. 2. 2016 was the __ year on record in terms of temperature (7)
  3. 3. 3 million years ago, Earth’s atmosphere contained enough CO2 for trees grew at the ___ ___ (5,4)
  4. 5. __ __ is the largest contributor to climate change because it is so common (6,7)
  5. 6. The __ is expected to be ice-free as early as the year 2040 (6)
  6. 9. The __ effect captures sun's heat in the atmosphere (10)
  7. 12. The biggest spike in greenhouse gases occurred during __ revolution (10)
  8. 13. 66 million years after dinosaurs, we are going through a mass ___ again (10)
  9. 15. Compared to carbon dioxide, __ is roughly 30 times more potent as a heat-trapping gas (7)
  10. 18. Using too much of something is called __ consumption (6)