Climate Change - Global Warming

  1. 2. Oil is liquid ____ left over from plant and animal materials that decayed millions of years ago.
  2. 6. A car that uses both a gasoline engine and an electric motor is called a ____.
  3. 8. One way to prevent tropical forests from being destroyed is to make them ____ land, like our national parks.
  4. 9. The main gas that traps heat, making Earth warmer, is ____.
  5. 12. Carbon dioxide is made of carbon and ____.
  6. 13. Most energy used for electricity comes from burning ____.
  7. 15. Spinning ____ inside wind turbines create electricity.
  8. 16. Old buildings ____ a lot of electricity by letting heated air escape in the winter and cooled air escape in the summer.
  1. 1. Solar cells capture light from the ____ and turn it into electricity.
  2. 2. Spiral-shaped light bulbs, commonly known as ________, use 75 percent less electricity than incandescent (filament) light bulbs.
  3. 3. Unlike hybrid cars, electric cars run only on ____.
  4. 4. Cutting down trees in ____ can release a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  5. 5. _________ is made from wood chips, grass, and other plant materials; it can be used in cars and is cleaner than petrol.
  6. 7. Wind _______ create clean electricity to power homes and businesses.
  7. 10. Burning ____ in cars produces carbon dioxide.
  8. 11. Heat-trapping carbon dioxide can make the earth become warmer and lead to climate ______.
  9. 14. Petrol comes from ____.
  10. 16. When carbon dioxide and other gases trap heat, they cause the earth to get ____.