Climate change Manon.R

  1. 3. the science we use in order to measure the climate variation of the planet for a long period
  2. 5. a phenomenon which occurs due to hot and dry conditions and increases the deforestation
  3. 7. the impact of the global warming in Antarctica (all together)
  4. 9. one of the consequences of ice melting that will leads for instance to higher risks of flood (3 words all together)
  5. 10. little molecules in the atmosphere which capture and release the infrared rays emitted by the earth (all together)
  1. 1. what the human activities have caused, leading to many natural disasters (all together)
  2. 2. their burning release greenhouse gases (all together)
  3. 4. a small layer of the atmosphere which protect the living being from DNA mutation but is fragilised by the human activities
  4. 6. climate pattern which occurs every two to seven years and leads to many weather phenomenon ( mostly natural disasters ) its severity may increase with climate change (all together)
  5. 8. the most important greenhouse gases