Climate Change

  1. 6. Heat (thermal) long wave radiation
  2. 8. Greenhouses gases regulate the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere via the _________________
  3. 11. Formed from ferns, plants, and trees which hardened due to pressure and heat
  4. 12. One of the most abundant greenhouse gasses
  5. 14. This type of renewable energy source comes from the Earth's core
  6. 15. The average weather conditions over a 30 year period
  1. 1. Humans breathe in this gas
  2. 2. These gases trap heat in the lower atmosphere
  3. 3. Plants do this to create food
  4. 4. This type of carbon cycle operates on a timescale of thousands of years
  5. 5. This type of energy can never run out (ex. solar and wind)
  6. 7. The most abundant atmospheric gas
  7. 9. The movement of carbon, in its many forms, between the atmosphere, oceans, biosphere and geosphere
  8. 10. These are burned to create energy, they are non-renewable
  9. 13. Acronym for the Environmental Protection Agency