Climate Crossword Level1

  1. 3. means putting equity and human rights at the core of decision-making and action on climate change.
  2. 4. refers to situations where a company makes misleading claims about their positive environmental impact or the sustainability of their products and services to convince consumers that they are acting on climate change.
  3. 11. an increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature that occurs when the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases.
  4. 12. is an international environmental treaty adopted in 1992to combat dangerous human interference with the climate system.
  5. 13. this type of energy is derived from natural sources that are constantly being replenished, such as wind, sunlight, the flow of moving water, and geothermal heat.
  6. 14. these solutions are actions to protect, conserve, restore, and sustainably use and manage ecosystems to support climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts, preserve biodiversity, and enable sustainable livelihoods.
  7. 15. any process, activity, or mechanism that absorbs more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it releases
  8. 16. an independent body founded under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  9. 18. refers to the serious problems that are being caused, or are likely to be caused, by changes in the planet’s climate, including weather extremes and natural disasters, ocean acidification and sea-level rise, loss of biodiversity, food and water in security, health risks, economic disruption, displacement, and even violent conflict.
  1. 1. refers to models of production and consumption that minimize waste and reduce pollution, promote sustainable usesof natural resources, and help regenerate nature.
  2. 2. refers to financial resources and instruments that are used to support action on climate change.
  3. 5. this 3 letter acronym represents climate pledges and action plans that each country is required to develop in line with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5° C.
  4. 6. refers to any action taken by governments, businesses, or people to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions, or to enhance carbon sinks that remove these gases from the atmosphere.
  5. 7. this type of agriculture is a way of farming that nurtures and restores soil health, and therefore reduces water use, prevents land degradation, and promotes biodiversity.
  6. 8. annual United Nations conference dedicated to climate change
  7. 9. a measure of the greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere by a particular person, organization, product, or activity
  8. 10. means reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that a society produces, as well as increasing the amount that is being absorbed.
  9. 17. decent jobs that contribute to protecting and restoring the environment and addressing climate change.
  10. 19. refers to actions that help reduce vulnerability to the current or expected impacts of climate change like weather extremes and natural disasters, sea-level rise, biodiversity loss, or food and water insecurity