climate ESL1

  1. 2. In the summer, the temperature is ____.
  2. 4. In the fall, the temperature is c---.
  3. 5. Weather and temperature together is the ______.
  4. 7. I can't see the sun. It's _____.
  5. 8. In spring, the temperature is w---.
  6. 9. March, April, May
  7. 12. In winter, it _____.
  8. 14. The ___ blows.
  9. 16. In summer, I wear ______ on my feet.
  10. 17. "Rainy, snowy, windy" describe the _______.
  11. 18. It is not cloudy. It is ____.
  12. 19. In winter, I wear ____ on my feet.
  1. 1. In spring and fall, I often wear a ____ to be warm.
  2. 3. "Hot, cold, warm" describe the _______.
  3. 5. In winter, Boston is ____.
  4. 6. September, October, November
  5. 10. I wear _____ on my hands in the winter.
  6. 11. A hoodie is a _____.
  7. 13. June, July, August
  8. 14. December, January, February
  9. 15. I have an umbrella when it ______.