Climate, Soils and Vegetation Review

  1. 7. Rich organic material found in topsoil.
  2. 8. This vegetation region contains Canada’s largest temperate rainforests.
  3. 10. Cold ocean current which travels along the coast of Baffin Island and Labrador...
  4. 12. Rock layer at the bottom of a soil profile (“C” Horizon).
  5. 13. An example is a mixed-forest region.
  6. 16. The first letter of an air mass code indicates what characteristic about that air mass?
  7. 18. This warm current travels along the East Coast of North America.
  8. 19. The difference between the highest temperature and lowest temperature of climate station is known as the temperature R----.
  9. 20. In a Maritime Climate, most of the rain falls during which season?
  1. 1. Continuous E------... part of the country where is continuous, permanent settlement.
  2. 2. Upward movement of water in a calcified soil.
  3. 3. Largest vegetation region of Canada.
  4. 4. In a Continental Climate, most of the rain falls during which season?
  5. 5. This climate factor partly determines our 4 seasons.
  6. 6. Unsustainable farming practices and poor soil management largely cause this man made catastrophe
  7. 9. Winnipeg Man.- Maritime or Continental Climate?
  8. 11. Vancouver BC- Maritime or Continental Climate?
  9. 14. Acronym which describes the major factors which affect North America's climate.
  10. 15. A common effect in a wet climate soil.
  11. 17. Vegetation region characterized by lichens, mosses and small shrubs.