Climate Zones

  1. 3. The climate zones that surround the North and South Poles
  2. 5. The climate zone between the Tropical and Temperate Zones.
  3. 7. The climate zone which has four distinct seasons.
  4. 8. A subclimate that receives very little precipitation.
  5. 9. The day-to-day conditions of temperature, precipitation, and wind in a certain location.
  6. 10. The climate zone that runs along the Equator between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
  7. 11. This subclimate tends to be a transition zone between deserts and forests.
  1. 1. Water, in the form of rain, snow, hail, etc., that falls from the sky.
  2. 2. Also known as Mountain Zones.
  3. 4. The average weather in a certain location over a LONG period of time.
  4. 6. How hot or cold a certain place can be.
  5. 7. A subclimate characterized by very few trees and PERMAFROST.