Per 5 U.S. Tries to Contain Soviets p566-568

  1. 2. Truman offered this to any other country that rejects Communism
  2. 5. The U.S. felt it needed to stop the spread of this political philosophy
  3. 8. The U.S. and Soviets would also clash over control of this land
  4. 9. system of the U.S. that conflicts with communism
  5. 10. Contain policies also included helping these countries
  6. 12. This started to get worse between the Soviets and America in 1946 and 1947 democracy
  7. 13. Foreign policy by the U.S. to try and block Soviet Influence
  1. 1. There were not many jobs or this in Western Europe after the war
  2. 3. Name of the support offered by the U.S. to any country that resists communism
  3. 4. Word used to describe the situation in Western Europe after the war
  4. 6. Plan to provide food, jobs, and machinery to rebuild Western Europe
  5. 7. Containment policies included forming these friendships
  6. 11. Program similar to the Marshall plan aimed at helping Asian Nations