Clorinde's Frosty Week

  1. 3. A plant you decorate during the holidays.
  2. 5. A dog, but more often bread.
  3. 7. The holiday season.
  4. 9. A Fontaine Journalist
  5. 10. What you hang on the fireplace during the holidays.
  6. 13. Cocoa A chocolate drink.
  7. 14. Rain, but chilly.
  8. 15. Has a deep past with Clorinde.
  9. 17. Thing to kiss your lover under during the holidays!
  10. 18. Champion duelist and bodyguard.
  1. 1. Claus A jolly man who gives out gifts.
  2. 2. Things you give during the holiday season.
  3. 4. Short, little dragon creatures in Fontaine.
  4. 6. A certain prison warden.
  5. 8. Hydro Archon.
  6. 11. Thing you hang on the answer to 3 across.
  7. 12. Oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale.
  8. 13. A popular holiday meat item.
  9. 16. A festive plant with red berries.