
  1. 1. A colloquial name for a raincoat.
  2. 5. What does a Scot wear under his ... ?
  3. 6. If you haven't got a button, this will help you to keep things together.
  4. 9. A knitted wollen jacket.
  5. 10. A fastener that needs a hole.
  6. 11. A bathing costume (bikini for ladies, trunks for men) is now often referred to as...
  7. 14. If you have got an ... shirt on, you won't need a tie.
  8. 15. You can wear one with a dinner jacket.
  9. 18. Black ... are worn as a sign of respect for the dead.
  10. 19. Put in front of a coat it will make and keep you warm
  11. 21. Often worn at the same time as a dressing gown.
  12. 24. You won't see it too often, it will be under a shirt or top
  13. 25. If you haven't got buckles, you may need these to keep your shoes on.
  14. 29. To look like a real man, you might need ... shoulders for your jacket.
  15. 31. Something to protect the hands of a boxer, housewife or skier.
  16. 32. It stretches from the cuff tot the shoulder.
  17. 34. To a large extent they have replaced stockings and suspenders.
  18. 35. If your trousers are like this, use a belt.
  1. 2. What dungarees can do outside the kitchen, this will do inside.
  2. 3. One of a pair that children often wear on their hands.
  3. 4. It will cover your head, it is often part of a duffel coat.
  4. 7. They used to be called knickers, but this word is taking over.
  5. 8. Part of a three-piece suit.
  6. 12. If the woman wears the ... at home, it means she is the boss.
  7. 13. The sole is thr front part of a shoe. This is the back.
  8. 16. It is part of a car, but a woman might wear it on her head.
  9. 17. An anorak is an example of one.
  10. 20. You may hear "brassière"; but most people call it this.
  11. 22. The part of the jacket to grab if you are angry with someone.
  12. 23. Take off your dress, put it on a hanger. Take off your coat, put it on this.
  13. 26. When you have undressed, you will probably be this.
  14. 27. A silk fabric, handsome jackets were made of it in Edwardian times.
  15. 28. She was wearing a beautiful Japanese ... scarf.
  16. 30. In America they cover a man's legs, in England they don't.
  17. 33. A form of jeans, named after a man called Strauss.