clothes - clothes - clothes

  1. 5. Everybody has them. They are for your feet.
  2. 7. Boys don't wear them.
  3. 8. When it is cold, you can wear a pullover or a ...
  4. 10. Most teenagers wear it in daily life.
  5. 12. Men wear it on their head.
  6. 13. It's similar to a dress. But still different!
  7. 14. Girls usually don't wear shirts. They wear a....
  8. 15. You need it for jeans and trousers.
  9. 16. Men wear it when they go to a wedding.
  1. 1. You should have some! Or your feet will hurt!
  2. 2. Women wear it when they go to a wedding.
  3. 3. It is like an anorak. But it is more elegant.
  4. 4. They are not really comfortable. But girls love them very much.
  5. 6. You are not allowed to wear it at school.
  6. 8. Boys usually wear it in summer.
  7. 9. You have to wear it when it is very cold outside.
  8. 11. Men and women can wear them. But they are usually different.
  9. 17. You need it when you wear a suit.