Clothes, Clothes, Clothes

  1. 2. It is the chemical that we use to remove stains from the clothes.
  2. 5. It is a bowl-like container where we wash our clothes.
  3. 8. It is used to color our clothes.
  4. 10. This is a pattern of lines on the clothes.
  5. 11. If we take care of our clothes, we protect our body from skin ____________.
  6. 14. It is where we put our dirty clothes for keeping before we wash them.
  7. 15. If you wear well-taken care of clothe you will feel___________ and __________.
  8. 17. It is the soap we use for washing the clothes.
  9. 18. It is also called round neck
  10. 19. These are shirts without arms
  1. 1. It is a kind of skirt that has many folds.
  2. 3. If you wear well-taken care of clothe you will feel___________ and __________.
  3. 4. This is another word for platform shoes.
  4. 6. Example of these are cotton, linen, and wool.
  5. 7. This is a pattern of big or small circles on the clothes.
  6. 9. This fabric comes from worms.
  7. 12. This are very loose clothes.
  8. 13. These are pants made of denim.
  9. 15. It is used to clip our clothes on the clothesline, clothes___.
  10. 16. An example of this is a jumpsuit.