
  1. 2. Something you wear on your head.
  2. 4. A hat that baseball players use
  3. 8. like pants with a front that comes up to your chest
  4. 10. Under your trousers
  5. 11. American trousers
  6. 12. a type of footwear and mainly cover the foot and extend up the leg
  7. 14. Formal clothing that you might wear to a job interview.
  8. 16. wear this if it is really cold
  9. 17. A sleeveless jacket
  10. 19. Like a dress, but with no top part.
  1. 1. another word for sweater
  2. 3. wear these on legs
  3. 5. What you wear to bed
  4. 6. Something you wear on your hands.
  5. 7. Something women wear at the beach
  6. 9. Something for women that covers the upper body down to the legs
  7. 12. stop your trousers falling down
  8. 13. wear these under shoes
  9. 15. Something you wear around your neck when you wear a suit.
  10. 18. This keeps your neck warm in winter