
  1. 4. a part of a coat, jacket etc that you can pull up to cover your head
  2. 5. a slipper or light shoe that is worn indoors
  3. 7. the end of a sleeve
  4. 10. a band or chain that you wear around your wrist or arm as a decoration
  5. 13. a thick strong cotton cloth with thin raised lines on it, used for making clothes
  6. 14. a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger
  7. 15. the part of shoe that covers the rounded back part of the foot
  8. 17. a thin close-fitting piece of clothing that covers a woman’s leg and foot
  9. 19. coat a piece of clothing without sleeves that has buttons down the front and is worn over a shirt, often under a jacket as part of a man’s suit
  10. 20. a small timepiece worn typically on a strap on one`s wrist
  11. 23. Women`s shoe with no fasteners
  12. 25. a tight piece of clothing that looks a little like a woman’s swimsuit and is worn for exercise or dancing,
  13. 26. to make clothes smooth using a hot iron
  14. 28. a type of expansive cloth with a soft surface on one side
  15. 30. piece of special clothing without sleeves that you wear over your clothes to protect your body
  16. 31. a piece of clothing that is worn on the front of the body over clothes to keep them from getting dirty
  17. 32. baggy clothes are big and do not fit tightly on your body
  1. 1. repair clithes
  2. 2. the undersurface of person`s foot
  3. 3. a popular and fashionable atyle
  4. 6. a piece of paper or another material that is attached to something and gives information about it
  5. 8. cloth used for making clothes
  6. 9. a hole for a button to be put through to fasten a shirt, coat etc
  7. 11. A piece of clothing made of thin material that covers the legs and lower part of the body below the waist
  8. 12. a piece of material that covers the inside of something, especially a piece of clothing
  9. 16. a thin piece of material that women wear to cover their faces at formal occasions or for religious reasons
  10. 17. having many lines
  11. 18. to make clothing out of wool,using 2 knitting needles
  12. 21. the part of a shirt, coat etc that fits around your neck, and is usually folded over
  13. 22. a type of glove that does not have separate parts for each finger
  14. 24. a small bag for money
  15. 27. A piece of underwear ,similar to a thing dress or skirt,that women dress under a dresss
  16. 29. a traditional Scottish pattern of coloured squares and crossed lines, or cloth, especially wool cloth, with this pattern