- 4. Count _______
- 6. You might wear this on your face
- 7. Spiders spin a ___
- 10. Often a companion for witches
- 11. A lot of these genre of movies come out around Halloween
- 12. Common Halloween color
- 13. Wrapped in bandages
- 14. An unpopular Candy to get on Halloween
- 17. Complete this: _____ or Treat
- 18. Something popular to dress up as on Halloween
- 20. A reanimated corpse
- 21. Comes out on a full moon
- 22. flies at night
- 1. Some people like to _______ there house for Halloween
- 2. _____________'s Monster
- 3. Something you can visit on Halloween
- 5. This comes out at night
- 8. Common candy handed out on Halloween
- 9. Halloween is on the 31st of _______
- 15. To make a Jack-O-Lantern you _____ a pumpkin
- 16. Made of bones
- 19. Don't lost in the corn ____
- 21. Ride's a broom
- 22. What a ghost says