Clue's to Earth's Past

  1. 3. The preserved remains or traces of an ancient organism
  2. 4. A fossil of an organism that only lived for a short time period
  3. 6. A fossil that displays the behavior of an organism such as footprints
  4. 7. A piece of an older rock becomes part of a newer rock
  5. 10. Theory that states that changes to Earth are a slow and gradual process
  6. 13. Two or more forms of an element found in a rock or fossil
  7. 14. The time it takes for half of an isotope to decay
  1. 1. Matching rocks and fossils from separate locations
  2. 2. Theory that states that Earth was shaped by natural disasters such as volcano eruptions and floods
  3. 5. A principle that states that younger rocks lie above older rocks
  4. 8. A gap in the geologic record created when a rock layer is eroded and missing
  5. 9. The age of a rock compared to other rock layers
  6. 11. The spontaneous decay of an isotope found inside a rock or fossil
  7. 12. The age of a rock in years