CMA Medical Terminology

  1. 5. someone with a seizure disorder will see him
  2. 6. membrane that surrounds the lungs
  3. 7. heart muscle tissue
  4. 11. do no harm
  5. 15. ensure medical laboratories are properly trained and conducting tests properly
  6. 17. someone who has smoked for years might get this
  7. 20. a government insurance typically for the elderly
  8. 21. red blood cells
  9. 25. you don't have to be a Texas Ranger to use one of these
  10. 26. standards of behavior or beliets
  11. 28. the region of the body between the knee and the hip
  12. 30. this doctor focuses on the tarsals and metatarsals
  13. 31. assure privacy of patient medical records
  14. 32. protects employees
  15. 36. loose fitting sac around the heart
  16. 37. one of the smallest bones in the human body
  1. 1. another word for a broken bone
  2. 2. a doctor goes through this training after medical school
  3. 3. consent that is based on information that you give the patient
  4. 4. responsibility
  5. 8. Patients who need to most care might be here
  6. 9. working independently
  7. 10. flatline
  8. 12. explanation of benefits
  9. 13. not a paper medical chart
  10. 14. immediately
  11. 16. white blood cells
  12. 18. someone with an unexplained rash will seek her out
  13. 19. tissue, tissue that responds to a hormone
  14. 22. the process of bone formation
  15. 23. heart bypass surgery
  16. 24. tachycardia, also known as a saw-tooth pattern
  17. 27. when the patient leaves the hospital
  18. 29. largest internal organ in the human body
  19. 33. it is used when someone's heart is fibrillating
  20. 34. Tenens, a temporary physician
  21. 35. what the arms and legs are collectively known as