- 4. How many floors are in there in the Milwaukee Office?
- 5. What is the next paid holiday we will receive?
- 7. What do April showers bring?
- 8. In 2003, who was named among the 2023 Irish Legal 100? (2 words)
- 10. Who is the Firm Administrator? (2 words)
- 12. Other than Dave, who else is in the duo that is the IT department?
- 1. On a hot summer day, what is the best cold treat to eat? (2 words)
- 2. What is the most commonly drank juice during breakfast?
- 3. On a sunny breezy day what do people of all ages enjoy playing to take advantage of the wind?
- 6. Which individual office holds the most staff members?
- 9. What street is the Eau Claire office located on?
- 11. What kind of animal is said to be man's bestfriend?