Code 106

  1. 2. Though every trial let love
  2. 5. But we are
  3. 7. our brothers, as Jesus taught
  4. 12. that all his we may share
  5. 13. if love grows
  6. 14. Love helps us patiently wrong
  7. 16. Bears loads
  8. 17. We humbly to our God
  1. 1. Is love, which having his brings
  2. 3. But most of all those things
  3. 4. it will never
  4. 6. We may be
  5. 8. when its really
  6. 9. And thinks of others
  7. 10. Love looks for ways to give
  8. 11. in all that we say and do
  9. 15. We pray for love that is and true
  10. 16. Love never a hateful thought