
  1. 2. lives in the jungle
  2. 4. thick wiped cream
  3. 5. hospital person
  4. 6. screchy guitar
  5. 8. place for sick people
  6. 12. used to document an area
  7. 14. meds store
  8. 15. like a rain coat
  9. 17. news box
  10. 18. horse with humps on its back
  11. 21. transportation
  12. 22. thing with a very long nose
  13. 24. place to store cars
  14. 25. thing to beat at party
  15. 26. the one thing you sould drink warm
  1. 1. footwear
  2. 3. sacred Aztec bird
  3. 7. place surrounded by water
  4. 9. common
  5. 10. yellow orange
  6. 11. school outfit
  7. 13. takes you to the hospital
  8. 16. book
  9. 19. math cheater
  10. 20. screen slab
  11. 23. Americas second language