Cognitive and Behavioral Treatment

  1. 2. ______ is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal.
  2. 8. _________ __________ are used to eliminate unwanted behaviors.
  3. 13. _________ _______ is designed to help people change the way that they think about their problems.
  4. 14. Some treatment techniques like _______ desensitization were studied as early as the 1920s.
  5. 15. ________ behavior therapy is a newer cognitive-behavioral treatment influenced by Eastern thinking.
  6. 16. Anxiety _____ is ranking order of anxiety provoking stimuli.
  1. 1. ________ ________ behavior therapy is that people engage in self-talk that is false.
  2. 3. ________ _______ emphasizes changing learned behaviors.
  3. 4. _______ therapy is a technique in behavior therapy to treat anxiety disorders.
  4. 5. An abbreviation for the title of this presentation.
  5. 6. ______ reinforcement is for desired behaviors.
  6. 7. Aaron _____ is credited with developing cognitive therapy.
  7. 9. Albert _____ is credited with introducing rational emotive behavior therapy(REBT).
  8. 10. A mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear (or known as fear cues) that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities.
  9. 11. _______ reinforcement is for unwanted behaviors.
  10. 12. ______ Cover Jones pioneered systematic desensitization or counterconditioning as a method for treating phobias.