Cognitive Psychology - Chap 3 : Perception

  1. 2. Ability to place objects in categories that provide meaning(one of the perceptual process steps)
  2. 5. Grouping/segmention, figure/ground organization(one of the vision levels)
  3. 6. One theory of object recognition - there's coding for relation between features.
  4. 7. Visual perception problem - impossible to recover 3D shape from 2D image
  5. 8. One of Gestalt law - Points that, when connected, result in straight/smooth curving lines forming a "smooth" path.
  6. 9. Advantage that the human brain has over the computer when it comes to auditory perceptual problem.
  7. 11. Occurs after raw stimulus energy has undergone processing in the brain
  8. 14. One of Gestalt law - Figure perceived as simple as possible
  9. 15. Object and scene recognition(one of the vision levels)
  10. 16. One of Gestalt law - Things more likely to form groups if groups appear familiar/meaningful
  11. 17. One theory of object recognition - normalization required.
  12. 18. Processing based on environmental stimuli(...-... processing)
  13. 19. Slow but provides the correct answer EVERY time
  14. 20. "Rule of thumb"/"Best guess predictions"
  1. 1. Changing of environmental energy into electrical energy(one of the perceptual process steps)
  2. 3. Biederman's theory - Objects represented as a set of geons and their categorical relations to one another
  3. 4. Low level vision - Detects ...,features and edges.
  4. 10. One of Gestalt law - Things moving in the same direction are grouped together.
  5. 12. Processing based on previous knowledge(...-... processing)
  6. 13. One theory of object recognition - no coding for relation between features.