Cognitive Self Change

  1. 2. Skills we use to deal with situations involving other people
  2. 5. A skill for dealing with difficult situations
  3. 6. What we say to ourselves inside our head
  4. 8. The goal of ________________ is to escape the conflict cycle and perform constructive problem solutions
  5. 11. Emotions that go along with our thoughts
  6. 12. A basic social skill required to interact with other individuals or in groups
  7. 15. What we think is true based on our attitudes and beliefs
  8. 16. An event or achievement we want to accomplish
  9. 19. A brief report of a risk situation and the application of the three steps of cognitive self change to that situation
  10. 21. One of the most common and most dangerous of our emotions
  11. 22. Stressful conversations are ___________________ which another person when we have strong feelings and are uncertain about the outcome
  12. 28. A structured objective report of our thoughts and feelings with four parts.
  13. 29. Control of our thinking and feelings
  1. 1. Dealing with anger, in others - especially when that anger is directed towards us - is an important skill to avoid violence and _______________
  2. 3. Ideas or words in our minds
  3. 4. Responding to the feelings of others is one of the important skills to develop ______________ with other people
  4. 7. The deliberate effort to hear and understand what others are saying
  5. 9. A claim that you did something wrong
  6. 10. A cycle of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions, and reactions that increase and escalate problem situations
  7. 13. 1) observes our thinking and feelings, 2) recognize the risk of our thinking and feelings lead to trouble, 3) use new thinking to reduce that risk
  8. 14. A structured plan for implementing a chosen problem solution
  9. 17. Opening your mind to think of as many ideas as possible
  10. 18. I (feel or think) ______, because ______ (objective description of situation), and my risk is to react by ________
  11. 20. Something that has actually happened or that is really true
  12. 23. Thoughts or attitudes that might lead to trouble
  13. 24. A basic social skill that helps us meet our needs while encouraging others to help us
  14. 25. Emotions and physical sensations felt by others
  15. 26. The thinking that goes behind our particular thoughts and feelings
  16. 27. New thinking that reduces the risk of doing something hurtful or criminal