- 2. how other understand people think and predict.
- 4. fails to move a person closer to a desired goal.
- 6. he believed that behavior was largely a function of the situation.
- 8. guesses about the consequences.
- 11. free of the domination of others.
- 13. personality is not set or determined at any particular age.
- 14. follow a speci behavior in a specific situations.
- 15. largely controlled by forces outside themselves.
- 1. control resides within themselves.
- 3. gaining power over the lives of friends, family, colleagues, and etc.
- 5. bipolar-elements we encounter.
- 7. people's expectancy that their behavior will be followed by that reinforcement in that situation.
- 9. reducing defensive and avoidance behaviors.
- 10. needs for acceptance by others.
- 12. generalized expectancy held by an individual.