COI-Crossword: Set B

  1. 2. Practice of untouchability is declared as a ...... and anyone doing so is punishable by law.
  2. 6. ...... proclaimed the establishment of a provisional independent Indian government, and his so-called Indian National Army.
  3. 10. Secularism in India means equal treatment of all ....... by the state.
  4. 12. The ..... India Movement was by Mahatma Gandhi demanding an end to British Rule of India.
  5. 14. ...........-led by BALG Tilaksupported by LALaLajpatRai& BipinChandra PAL
  6. 15. The word ........ means “one possesses supreme political power”.
  7. 16. The ......... Bagh massacre,took place on 13 April, 1919 when a crowd of non-violent protesters were fired upon by troops of the British Indian Army.
  8. 17. 24thJan 1950 –“Jana Gana Man” adopted as National .......
  9. 19. Public ............ litigation is litigation for the protection of the public interest.
  1. 1. The term ......... has been inserted in the Constitution of India by 42nd Amendment Act, 1976.
  2. 3. Article 26: Freedom to run ....... affairs.
  3. 4. The ............ Principles of State Policy are guidelines for the framing of laws by the government.
  4. 5. .......... is a writ issued to lower courts, when these courts have gone beyond the scope of their jurisdictions.
  5. 7. Article 30: Right to Establish ........... Institutions
  6. 8. A Judge can be removed on the ground of proved misbehavior or incapacity on a report by both Houses of .............. supported by a special majority.
  7. 9. The judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts are appointed by the ...........
  8. 11. ‘Freedom of ...... and expression’ that allows an individual to take part in public activities.
  9. 13. Right to ........ is an Act describes the modalities of the importance of free and compulsory ....... for children
  10. 18. single transferable .......(STV) is a voting system designed to achieve proportional representation through ranked voting in multi-seat organizations or constituencies
  11. 20. Duration for Drafting of CONTITUTION OF INDIA is..... Years, 11 Months, 18 Days.