COLD Camping

  1. 2. Travelling fast on snow
  2. 4. Makes low T feel colder
  3. 6. Be considerate of other
  4. 8. Minimize Campfire
  5. 10. Plan ahead and be
  6. 14. Walk on snow
  7. 15. When body's thermostat is too warm, you radiate heat from
  8. 17. Your body can't restrict blood to your
  9. 18. Leave no
  10. 20. Body without water
  11. 21. Trait for enjoying COLD
  12. 23. Leave what you
  13. 24. Snow house
  14. 25. Decreased blood flow to extremities makes them feel
  1. 1. Respect
  2. 3. Your body burns food, water, and oxygen like a
  3. 5. Snow can hide items, then they're
  4. 7. Body below 95 F
  5. 8. Wet clothing loses it's
  6. 9. In winter the days are
  7. 10. Dispose of waste
  8. 11. COLD burns calories, so need a healthy
  9. 12. Testing skills under challenging conditions
  10. 13. Part of body that includes all internal organs
  11. 16. Snowy Owl
  12. 19. Below 50 F
  13. 22. COLD weather camping takes