Cold War

  1. 5. a program offering loans and grants to Latin American Countries to promote economic growth
  2. 7. an alliance between the USSR and its eastern European satellites
  3. 10. conducted investigations of government employees suspected of un-American activities
  4. 11. commander of US forces in during the Korean war
  5. 12. the Big Three laid out plans for postwar Europe
  6. 13. leader of the Soviet Union
  7. 14. USA and Soviet Union
  8. 16. building and stockpiling as many nuclear weapons as possible to ensure nuclear superiority
  9. 21. first time the cold war went hot and it ended in a stalemate
  10. 22. Successfully defied Soviet Union's blockade within a year.
  11. 23. bullying tactic used to destroy a person’s reputation without evidence
  12. 26. created in response to USSR testing first atomic bomb. Collective security agrrement.
  13. 28. Soviet Union's reaction to the creation of West Germany
  14. 29. failed attempt at removing Castro by the USA using Cuban exiles
  15. 32. to defend embattled democracies against communism
  16. 33. the spread of nuclear weapons
  1. 1. political and military barrier that isolated Soviet-controlled countries of Eastern Europe after WWII
  2. 2. a war of ideas but not on the battlefield
  3. 3. to stop (limit) the spread of communism
  4. 4. president of the USA Containment policy idea
  5. 6. economic aid to rebuild Europe after WW2
  6. 8. send trained American men and women to foreign nations to assist in development efforts in poor countries
  7. 9. was elected president on the promise to end the Korean War
  8. 15. created by the Allies to fend off Soviet threat from East Germany
  9. 17. the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war
  10. 18. overthrew Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959
  11. 19. a physical barrier built by the USSR and east Germans in Berlin to keep east Berliners from going west
  12. 20. faced communist in Cuba, responsible the failure of the Bay of Pigs, prevented nuclear war during Cuban Missile Crisis
  13. 24. the Soviets turned their occupation zone of Germany into ____.
  14. 25. applied the Truman Doctrine to the Middle East
  15. 27. leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin's death
  16. 30. It was here, that Stalin promised elections in east Europe
  17. 31. place where armistice was signed ending the Korean war