  1. 3. Tensions Distrust grew between the Allies during and after World War II, particularly over issues like the future of Eastern Europe and the atomic bomb.
  2. 6. The Cold War had lasting effects on international relations, military strategy, and ideological divides that continue to influence global politics today.
  3. 8. Culture set of cultural products, practices, and expressions that are often considered to be of significant artistic, intellectual, or philosophical value.
  4. 10. economic and political system characterized by private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit, where decisions regarding investment.
  5. 11. The conflict expanded the Cold War into Asia, solidifying the division of Korea and establishing a long-term military presence of the U.S. in South Korea.
  6. 14. War Physical version of the Cold War.
  7. 15. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  8. 17. Conflict The Cold War was characterized by the clash between capitalism, led by the United States, and communism, led by the Soviet Union.
  9. 18. political and economic ideology that advocates for a classless society in which all property is publicly owned, and each person works and is compensated according to their abilities and needs.
  10. 19. Wars The Cold War was marked by indirect conflicts, such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and various interventions in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, where the superpowers supported opposing sides.
  1. 1. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  2. 2. US adopted the policy of keeping things together to stop the spread of communism.
  3. 4. Communist Party.
  4. 5. Wall Physical wall separating the West and Eastern Germany.
  5. 7. Capitalist country.
  6. 9. Curtain Imaginary line across Germany that separated the communist and capitalist countries.
  7. 10. Missile Crisis A significant confrontation that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, highlighting the dangers of Cold War tensions.
  8. 12. Culture set of ideas, practices, and phenomena that are prevalent and widely accepted in mainstream society at any given time.
  9. 13. Arms Race US and Russia both competing to see who can build a better nuclear weapon.
  10. 16. Doctrine Declaration for help to those who are in a specific region.