Cold War and Contemporary Europe

  1. 6. The goal of many of Europe’s colonies following the world wars; India achieved this in 1947
  2. 7. This form of government was embraced by the Soviet Union and China, but eventually they had to adapt certain capitalist policies
  3. 9. This was spurred in Europe by violence and hardship in the Middle East and was one of the leading factors behind Brexit
  4. 10. The first female British prime minister, she instituted many conservative reforms in the British government and was a target of anger for the Irish Republican Army
  5. 11. This international organization was the successor to the British Empire
  6. 14. This region of Spain and France was isolated from the rest of Europe for a long time and experienced some unrest against Spanish rule in the 20th century
  7. 15. This was a brief period of mass protests and political liberalization in 1968 in Czechoslovakia that was brutally repressed by the Soviet Union under Nikita Khrushchev
  8. 17. A defensive alliance between the US and its allies after World War II; several former Soviet-bloc countries such as Romania and Lithuania joined in 2004
  9. 18. This explosion in population occurred following the Second World War; its aging members are posing problems to the different welfare states worldwide
  10. 20. Following World War 2, there were two of these types of nations on earth, each possessing the power to exert influence all over the world
  11. 21. This leader of the Soviet Union instituted Destalinization and was in charge during the Cuban Missile Crisis
  12. 23. A 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature which sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind; Salvador Dali was a famous artist in this movement
  13. 24. A protracted war in this country is often described as one of the causes of the fall of the Soviet Union
  14. 25. Literally meaning “openness,” this Russian term was a new policy of openness and transparency regarding the government of the Soviet Union
  15. 27. The Soviet Union used a series of these multi-year plans to achieve rapid industrialization
  16. 29. The leader of the Soviet Union following the death of Vladimir Lenin, he was infamous for sending dissidents to gulags in Siberia
  17. 30. This American initiative provided massive amounts of foreign aid to Western Europe; the cooperation between nations in how to implement it was a step towards the European Union
  18. 31. A defensive alliance between the Soviet Union and its allies after World War II; it was eventually replaced by the Collective Security Treaty
  19. 32. Russia fought a series of wars in this region against separatists and Islamist fighters in this region in the late 1990s and early 2000s
  1. 1. He was the final leader of the Soviet Union; before this he attempted to institute policies of glasnost and perestroika to modernize the governance of his nation
  2. 2. The leader of the UK in World War II, he eventually lost election after the war following the war as the left-leaning Labour Party came to power
  3. 3. This meeting was held near the end of World War II; Allied leaders decided at this point how to administer Germany and other issues surrounding the postwar order
  4. 4. This was a period of tension between the US and the Soviet Union that always held the threat of nuclear war
  5. 5. Balkan country came into existence in 1918’ when it dissolved in the 1990s, violence erupted between its ethnic groups;
  6. 8. An organization created after World War II to integrate the coal and steel industries of different European nations
  7. 11. This was the understated name of the conflict between Irish Nationalists and the UK government between the 1960s and 90s that to multiple acts of violence
  8. 12. The foundational treaty of the European Union, it created three “pillars” for cooperation
  9. 13. The current government of France that replaced the old parliamentary republic with a semi-presidential system
  10. 16. Founded by the Maastricht Treaty, this is a political union of many nations on the European continent
  11. 19. A movement that seeks to advance the status of women worldwide; it expanded into movements for better treatment of LGBT people and people with disabilities
  12. 22. This barrier divided the capital of Germany in the twentieth century; its fall was one of the defining moments of the end of the Cold War
  13. 26. The US and the Soviet Union fought a series of these in Korea, Vietnam, and elsewhere instead of fighting each other directly
  14. 28. Literally meaning “reconstruction,” this Russian term was a movement of political reform in the later days of the Soviet Union