Cold War Begins Lesson 28 Intro/Sec 1

  1. 3. Device that made Soviet help in Japan unneeded
  2. 6. ongoing power struggle between US and Soviet Union
  3. 7. US was producing more than ____ world's total industrial output after WW2
  4. 9. Truman invested 320 ______ for "world freedom and world peace"
  5. 10. Country Stalin worked to support communism
  6. 11. Where Soviet and US troops met at end of WW2
  7. 12. economic system US had and wanted for Europe after WW2
  8. 13. Feb 1945 conference to decide post-war Europe
  1. 1. Stalin's concern for Russia after WW2
  2. 2. ideological barrier between east/west in Europe
  3. 4. economic system Soviet Union had wanted for Europe after WW2
  4. 5. US sought to maintain a strong _____ presence overseas
  5. 8. Prime minister of Great Britain after Churchill
  6. 10. Aug 1945 conference to decide post-war Europe