- 3. Device that made Soviet help in Japan unneeded
- 6. ongoing power struggle between US and Soviet Union
- 7. US was producing more than ____ world's total industrial output after WW2
- 9. Truman invested 320 ______ for "world freedom and world peace"
- 10. Country Stalin worked to support communism
- 11. Where Soviet and US troops met at end of WW2
- 12. economic system US had and wanted for Europe after WW2
- 13. Feb 1945 conference to decide post-war Europe
- 1. Stalin's concern for Russia after WW2
- 2. ideological barrier between east/west in Europe
- 4. economic system Soviet Union had wanted for Europe after WW2
- 5. US sought to maintain a strong _____ presence overseas
- 8. Prime minister of Great Britain after Churchill
- 10. Aug 1945 conference to decide post-war Europe